Our goals

In the field of new surface protection technologies, to offer long-acting solutions for the protection of surfaces for almost all materials and thus improve people's lives.

With the help of scientific findings from the ingenious phenomena of nature, we can now offer highly effective solutions for a wide range of applications as a partner in a unique network of leading research and development companies.

Solutions that have already proven themselves internationally in numerous areas of application:
In the healthcare sector, we improve infection protection to increase personal safety.

In the food sector, we offer protection against mould infestation and help to minimize losses.

By reducing energy consumption in air conditioning and ventilation systems, we contribute to energy efficiency.

Our EasyClean technology enables cost-effective surface cleaning without the use of chemical cleaning agents, which offers both financial and environmental benefits.

Our technologies not only provide effective protection, but also efficiency and sustainability for our customers worldwide.

Renè Scheitenberger, CEO

