Tourism: for example, cruises, hotels, airlines, bus and train travel, etc.


Where many people come together - there is a risk of infection with pathogens

Health protection: Infection of passengers and employees with germs on a ship is potentially a challenge despite extensive hygiene measures - THE Lotus Surface Protection offers innovative solutions to make and keep rooms and surfaces from cabins to restaurants, bars and work areas germ-free.

Cleaning management: The technologies for comprehensive surface protection also offer considerable cost savings.

Energy efficiency: THE Lotus antimicrobial surface protection reduces energy consumption and labor costs by keeping the registers clean for longer.

Food - protect against mold infestation: With the application of THE Lotus TitanoShield® antimicrobial, mold infestation of food can be significantly reduced.

In summary, THE Lotus Surface Protection technologies not only provide effective health protection but are also an effective way of significantly reducing labor and material costs!


Safe hospitality - innovative solutions to protect your hotel guests from infection

Our long-lasting surface protection ensures continuous and effective protection against pathogens in all areas of your hotel. The surface protection is invisible, odorless and leaves no noticeable changes to the surfaces. We also offer innovative surface protection solutions that protect against soiling and wear and tear. THE Lotus Surface Protection combats viruses and bacteria as well as the formation of mold in air conditioning systems,  wet rooms and damp rooms. In this way, you protect the health of your hotel guests and employees and significantly reduce your operating costs.

THE Lotus Surface Protection creates a perfect hygienic environment in which your guests can feel comfortable and safe.


Lufthansa was one of the first companies to intensively test the product TitanoAir®

The result of this innovation is lasting protection of surfaces in passenger aircraft, with TiTANO-Air® standing out as a recommendation for the aviation industry.

In view of worldwide air travel, where people from different regions of the world come together in a confined space, there is an increased risk of infection in the aircraft. Even intensive cleaning measures, which involve considerable financial expenditure, do not provide the necessary level of safety. The technologies for comprehensive surface protection in aircraft have been intensively tested by Lufthansa Technik for their application safety and antimicrobial reliability with very positive results.


Safe travel with the new surface protection! Every day, many people touch the same handles and surfaces on public transport. The risk of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and mold poses a major challenge for passenger health protection here too. With the new solutions for effective surface protection, pathogens on heavily frequented surfaces and at intersections are sustainably and effectively reduced. This innovation, which is already in use worldwide and in demand internationally, has been scientifically validated, certified and patented.

The germ-free effect of the protection lasts for up to 10 days, and for surfaces that are not used (e.g. ceilings) for up to a year, as proven by independent laboratories.


Healthcare, for example: doctors' surgeries, clinics, retirement homes, etc.


In medical practices, protection against infection is paramount and this requires effective hygiene.

Patients need to be particularly protected from infection as they often leave a variety of pathogens on the surfaces they touch. Conventional disinfection methods are time-consuming, costly and do not provide a safe solution against viruses and bacteria on high-traffic surfaces.

With THE Lotus technology, surfaces in doctors' surgeries can be permanently freed from germs for periods of 10 days, and even up to a year in the case of surfaces that are not used (e.g. decenes), as proven by independent laboratories. A significant improvement in protection against infection for patients and staff.


The hygiene challenge in clinics
In clinics and hospitals, protection against pathogens has often been inadequate despite strict hygiene measures. THE Lotus technologies offer extremely effective solutions to improve infection protection for patients against germs. These solutions are patented, certified and tried and tested.

Long-lasting protection for surfaces
A special technique is used to sterilize surfaces and this protection can last for up to 10 days or even 1 year or longer, depending on the technology chosen. This effective surface protection offers effective protection against infectious germs on relevant surfaces in hospitals. Thanks to this effective surface protection, a new chapter in hospital hygiene has been opened. Patients can feel safer and the clinic can tackle the challenges of hygiene and protect the health of its patients more effectively.


Protection against infection and surface protection for retirement homes

The solution for long-lasting protection of surfaces against infection in senior residences, nursing homes and retirement homes. New surface protection technologies, effective protection against infection - for residents,  staff and visitors. The surface protection is invisible, odorless and neutral to the touch and can be applied to all types of surfaces. The protection is gentle on surfaces and works regardless of light and climate. The virus and bacteria protection has an effect time of 10 days more -  up to one year. Technologies that significantly minimize the risk of infection and also save time and money.


Companies, for example: conference rooms, canteens, lecture rooms, etc.


Meeting spaces - new solutions for health and efficiency

In modern working and living environments, shared spaces and meeting places are crucial for collaboration and social interaction. However, these places can easily lead to the spread of pathogens if surfaces are frequently touched and people subsequently touch their faces unintentionally. New solutions can provide long-lasting protection while saving costs compared to traditional hygiene measures. These technologies keep rooms germ-free for 10 days or up to a year, which is very important for both employees and visitors. With the products from THE Lotus portfolio, the cleaning effort is significantly reduced in terms of time and material costs.


Company canteens - health protection and efficiency in the community

Canteens are places where many employees regularly come together. Effective health protection for employees therefore plays an important role here. Sustainable solutions for protection against viruses, bacteria and other risks of infection. New methods enable permanent antiviral protection that lasts for up to 10 days or even 1 year, depending on the technology. This provides a safe, germ-free environment for employees and significantly minimizes the risk of infection.

THE Lotus also offers effective mold protection for food. The new surface protection technologies significantly reduce labor and material costs for cleaning and maintenance.


Effective protection against infection risks - for company presentations

The heart of a successful event is the interaction between guests and company employees. Protection against infectious germs is an important task here. Companies and event organizers need to act proactively and take responsibility to protect visitors and staff. New technologies for effective, low-cost solutions to keep surfaces germ-free for up to 10 days. This creates trust, enables worry-free interaction and ensures the safety of your event. Make your premises a safe and attractive platform for visitors and staff.


For example: police, fire department, public transport, ambulance services, schools and daycare centers, etc.


The police protect us citizens - we should protect the police from infection with germs!

In most countries, the police consist of various departments, including the protection police, criminal investigation department, traffic police and special units. Their main tasks include protecting citizens,  investigating criminal offenses, monitoring road traffic and dealing with accidents with subsequent assistance. Always tasks in contact with the citizens and here health prevention plays a prominent role. Antiviral virus protection of equipment, vehicles and premises.


22,000 volunteer fire departments and 110 professional fire brigades

Save lives, extinguish fires, rescue people and protect our country every day. Nevertheless, many people are unclear about who exactly is behind the term "the fire department". It is often assumed that it is only professional firefighters who respond to the emergency call 112. In fact, it is the approximately  1 million 600,000 volunteers who carry out these difficult tasks. They are the backbone of our German emergency and disaster response system and provide a first-class safety standard that is recognized worldwide. Preventive protection against infection with germs must play a primary role here.


Patient transport companies are indispensable for the safe transportation of sick, injured and needy persons. THE LOTUS has effective solutions to ensure a high standard of hygiene for the 953 companies in this sector in Germany. Specialized technologies to quickly and effectively sterilize and maintain vehicles and equipment for 10 days or longer, thus significantly improving the safety of the people and rescue workers being transported.


With around 5.7 billion passengers in Germany every year, public transport is a central component of urban mobility and plays a crucial role for commuters traveling to work or returning home every day. Especially at peak times, when transportation is overcrowded, there is an increased risk of spreading germs, which can lead to an unpleasant environment.


An effective hygiene concept is urgently needed in schools and daycare centers!

Approximately 3.93 million young children  and 8.6 million pupils are particularly susceptible to infection and illness during the regular waves of influenza in spring and fall. To achieve a high standard of hygiene here, THE Lotus Surface Protection offers effective, proven technologies to significantly increase the standard of hygiene and minimize the risk of infection.

Solutions that are absolutely feasible in terms of labor and cost.